Sivaan Walker

Sivaan Lansdowne Walker is an emerging artist working from Eora/Sydney. Recently graduating from UNSW Art & Design in sculpture, she has already been the recipient of the Clitheroe Emerging Artist Mentor Program facilitated by Sculpture by the Sea 2020. Walker’s art explores remnants, human presence, and transformation against structure, politics, and power, and she has exhibited and curated shows in Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne.
The installation Being Nothing comprises three houses, meticulously modeled from pictures of abandoned residences in Asquith, Sydney, NSW, where apartments now stand. While urban development is an inevitable aspect of progress, there exists a disquieting undertone in the acquisition of homes without intent to provide housing for the local community, thereby contributing to the creation of a spectral enclave of uninhabited dwellings. The dust that serves as a crucial component of the artwork was originally collected from the houses of Sivaan Lansdowne Walker’s friends, vacuum cleaners, and workplaces where they spend time and experience the world. This collection of dust and debris holds significance in its defiance of conventional notions of disposability; items discarded as trivial are revalorized, symbolizing their intrinsic importance by their potential to be rediscovered. Through this incorporation, the artist invites the audience to navigate the artwork, imagining a larger-than-life presence, and exploring the juxtaposition of power and vulnerability embodied by the ephemeral nature of dust, human remnants, and memory.
西萬・蘭斯當・沃克是一位新興藝術家,來自澳洲雪梨(Eora/Sydney)。最近從新南威爾士大學藝術與設計學院雕塑系畢業。2020年獲得由海邊雕塑展(Sculpture by the Sea)所設立的克利瑟羅新興藝術家導師計劃(Clitheroe Emerging Artist Mentor Program)。沃克的藝術探索了歷史遺跡、人類存在和轉化的概念,並與社會結構、政治和權力對抗。她曾在雪梨、坎培拉和墨爾本參與過展覽並策展。
〈Being Nothing〉裝置作品包括三座房屋,是根據悉尼阿斯奎斯(Asquith)被拆除的廢棄住宅的照片精心製作而成,這些房屋現在已經被公寓取代。雖然城市發展是社會進步不可避免的趨勢,但無意提供當地社群所需的家屋反而收購其房屋,存在著令人不安的意圖,進而導致一個無人居住的、如同充滿幽靈的住宅區域形成。灰塵作為此作品關鍵的材料,最初是從西萬·蘭斯當·沃克朋友的房屋、吸塵器和藝術家與朋友共同度過時間和體驗世界的工作場所收集而來。灰塵和碎片的收集違背了常理丟棄的習慣,同時也具有重要意義;被認為無關緊要、可丟棄的物品被重新賦予價值,藉此重新發現其潛力及內在重要性。通過作品中不同媒材的對話,藝術家邀請觀眾遊走在作品之間,想像著超越現實的存在,並探索由灰塵、人類殘留物和記憶的碎片所體現的權力和脆弱性間的對比。
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⭢ Participated Artist
The installation Being Nothing comprises three houses, meticulously modeled from pictures of abandoned residences in Asquith, Sydney, NSW, where apartments now stand. While urban development is an inevitable aspect of progress, there exists a disquieting undertone in the acquisition of homes without intent to provide housing for the local community, thereby contributing to the creation of a spectral enclave of uninhabited dwellings. The dust that serves as a crucial component of the artwork was originally collected from the houses of Sivaan Lansdowne Walker’s friends, vacuum cleaners, and workplaces where they spend time and experience the world. This collection of dust and debris holds significance in its defiance of conventional notions of disposability; items discarded as trivial are revalorized, symbolizing their intrinsic importance by their potential to be rediscovered. Through this incorporation, the artist invites the audience to navigate the artwork, imagining a larger-than-life presence, and exploring the juxtaposition of power and vulnerability embodied by the ephemeral nature of dust, human remnants, and memory.
西萬・蘭斯當・沃克是一位新興藝術家,來自澳洲雪梨(Eora/Sydney)。最近從新南威爾士大學藝術與設計學院雕塑系畢業。2020年獲得由海邊雕塑展(Sculpture by the Sea)所設立的克利瑟羅新興藝術家導師計劃(Clitheroe Emerging Artist Mentor Program)。沃克的藝術探索了歷史遺跡、人類存在和轉化的概念,並與社會結構、政治和權力對抗。她曾在雪梨、坎培拉和墨爾本參與過展覽並策展。
〈Being Nothing〉裝置作品包括三座房屋,是根據悉尼阿斯奎斯(Asquith)被拆除的廢棄住宅的照片精心製作而成,這些房屋現在已經被公寓取代。雖然城市發展是社會進步不可避免的趨勢,但無意提供當地社群所需的家屋反而收購其房屋,存在著令人不安的意圖,進而導致一個無人居住的、如同充滿幽靈的住宅區域形成。灰塵作為此作品關鍵的材料,最初是從西萬·蘭斯當·沃克朋友的房屋、吸塵器和藝術家與朋友共同度過時間和體驗世界的工作場所收集而來。灰塵和碎片的收集違背了常理丟棄的習慣,同時也具有重要意義;被認為無關緊要、可丟棄的物品被重新賦予價值,藉此重新發現其潛力及內在重要性。通過作品中不同媒材的對話,藝術家邀請觀眾遊走在作品之間,想像著超越現實的存在,並探索由灰塵、人類殘留物和記憶的碎片所體現的權力和脆弱性間的對比。
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⭢ Participated Artist