Temporary Friends,
Disposable Lovers:
A Digital Séance
暫友,逝愛 : 數位降靈
11/5/2024 - 25/5/2024
@ Massform 齊物創製
@ Massform 齊物創製
The exhibition Temporary Friends, Disposable Lovers: A Digital Seance marks the inaugural curation by artist Ni Hao's exhibition platform, Curatorial Shell. Collaborating with Massform, a studio dedicated to employing mechanical equipment for exceptional interior and product designs, 18 contemporary artists, both domestic and international, have been invited to participate. Beginning with the showing of existing works by local Taiwanese artists, the exhibition will utilize a giant CNC robotic arm and 3D printing technology to materialize temporary sculptures and paintings from digital files transmitted by artists worldwide during the exhibition. Moreover, creatives from diverse disciplines are summoned to “possess” the robotic arm, transforming it into a conduit for artistic acts and performances. Each participant brings forth fragments of their own unique worldview, contributing to a vibrant kaleidoscope of human experience. Amidst the whirlwind of global politics, technological advancement, and environmental flux, "Temporary Friends, Disposable Lovers" emerges as a beacon of exploration, navigating the nuanced landscape of interpersonal dynamics. Through this innovative amalgamation of art and technology, the exhibition endeavors to forge new channels of artistic communication and connection that transcend the limitations of physical presence.
「暫友,逝愛 : 數位降靈」 由藝術家倪灝發起的策展平台 Curatorial Shell 首度策畫,攜手齊物創製(Massform) ——致力於運用機械設備實踐室內與產品設計的工作室,邀請國內外18位當代藝術領域的創作者參與,由台灣藝術家的作品開啟篇章,並在展期間透過巨型機械手臂CNC及3D列印技術,召喚國外藝術家們從世界各地傳送來的數位檔案,製作出暫時性的雕塑與繪畫作品,以及邀請不同領域的表演者附身在機械手臂上進行演出,從他們的視角來觀看碎片化的世界,拼湊散落於生活裡的片段如萬花筒般的景觀,探索政治權力的拉扯、科技技術的躍進與自然環境的變動之下,人際關係之間不斷變化的狀態以及可能性。

Exhibition Text 展覽論述
Within the boundless expanse of recent years, a grand schism unfolded before the eyes of the world, parting the ethereal realm from corporeal reality. The pandemic's relentless grip arrested our mortal frames, rendering them ever more vulnerable and bereft of purpose in today's disquieting milieu. As political hostility surged and ecological desolation loomed, our bodies found themselves relegated to seclusion, stowed away like precious relics. Yet, defying the languid pace of introspection to imagine a better future, the human spirit, plagued by restless anxiety, yearned to transcend by all means. Eagerly, we uploaded ourselves unto the digital tapestry, embracing the perpetual fragmented and evanescent cyber domain as the nexus for future human communion.
Such intricate dynamics bespeak our contemporary tapestry, an unveiling of existence's ephemeral nature, where fleeting forms coalesce only to dissolve with equal swiftness. Within this mosaic, transitory experiences reign supreme, marked by ephemeral dopamine surges elicited by ever-shortening online contents that we are all forced to consume, fragmented memories, amnesia, and evanescent echoes of the immediate past, slipping through our grasp like ethereal tendrils of smoke.
In this shaky and uncertain new epoch, the present world tantalizingly oscillates between proximity and distance, as our identities, driven by an insatiable yearning, transmogrify with the velocity of a thousand metamorphoses, from caterpillars to butterflies and back again, over and over. Gathering our dreams and hopes, both of yore and present, we surrender them to the consuming maw of a cosmic abyss. From its stygian depths, emerges a negative mold, bearing the inverted silhouette of our shared humanity, ready to be endlessly recasted, akin to the infinity room's enigmatic allure. Within this ever-repeating world, reality incessantly births itself anew, descending ever deeper into self-infatuation, inexorably embracing the specter of extinction. Our static corporeal shells find solace in simulations of cherished memories and sensory imprints, distilled from the collective remembrances of temporary friends and disposable lovers, suffusing our immobilized forms with a mirage of life's finest echoes.
Opening 開幕式
5/11 (Sat.) 18:00
Opening (Rebirth) 開幕(重生)
5/24 (Fri.) 18:00
Participated Artists 參與藝術家
Chen-Yu Chen 陳呈毓 , Shiau-Peng Chen 陳曉朋, I-Hsuen Chen 陳以軒, Melmel Chen 陳米靖, Li-Yun Chien 簡莉芸, Jessica Hang 韓絜羚, Jai-Yn Lin 林佳盈, Jia-Jhen Syu 許家禎,Yun-Jieh Wu 吳芸頡,Deng-Lin Yang 楊登麟, Bruno Aeberli, Jaimie An, Nook Chuenkitti, Gail Dodge, Nadia Haji Omar, Daniel Hüttler, Joel Kuennen, Bayne Peterson, Sivaan Walker
Curator 策展人
Hao Ni 倪灝
Partnership 合作夥伴
Massform 齊物創製
Sponsor 贊助單位
National Culture and Arts Foundation