Jessica Hang

Jessica Hang (b. Los Angeles, California) is a multi-disciplinary artist based in Taipei and Los Angeles. Her work has been the subject of group and solo exhibitions throughout institutions in Los Angeles, New York, Hong Kong and Tokyo. Hang uses sculpture, painting, and digital tools to explore the imagery and processes of generational memory and human existence. Her practice, informed by collections of found objects and recurrent biographical themes, seeks novel modes of expression and engages in meta-reflections on art making through diverse physical media, conceptual approaches and techniques.

Awake I (Negative) and Awake II depict a series of eyes in isolation from the face, a unitary subject for the unadorned expression of two psychological cum physiological states. Hang perceives the eye as profoundly dimensional, capable of both introspection and projection, capturing reflections of its surroundings. These paintings can be read as an extension of her sculpture, Thinker in Repose (2019), a supine, nude female figure with large blank eyes. Through Hang’s figurative exploration, she translates emotionally charged occurrences and seemingly ordinary scenes into representations of the human psyche, offering viewers an encounter with the depths of the mind.

韓絜羚,出生於美國加州洛杉磯,是一位目前居住於台北和洛杉磯的跨領域藝術家。她的作品曾在洛杉磯、紐約、香港和東京等地的機構進行個展和聯展。韓絜羚利用雕塑、繪畫和數位工具探索世代記憶和人類存在的形象和過程。她的實踐受到在生活中找到的物品和重複出現的自傳主題的啟發,尋求新穎的表達方式,並通過不同的物質媒介、概念方法和技術進行藝術創作的後設反思 (meta-reflections)。

〈Awake I (Negative)〉和〈Awake II〉描繪了一系列獨立於臉部之外的眼睛,成為貫穿兩件作品的主軸並樸實地表達了兩種心理和生理狀態。 韓絜羚將眼睛視為深刻的維度,能夠進行內省和投射以及捕捉其周圍環境的反射。此次展出的作品可以被解讀為雕塑〈Thinker in Repose〉(2019) 的延伸,該雕塑是一個仰臥的裸體女性人物,擁有一雙空白的大眼睛。通過絜羚的譬喻性探索,她將情感充沛的事件和看似平凡的場景轉化為對人類心靈的再現,為觀眾提供了與各自心靈深處的邂逅。

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