Gail Dodge

Gail Dodge (b. 1985, San Francisco) is a Providence-based artist. She received a BFA from the University of Arizona in 3D and Extended Media in 2013 and an MFA in Sculpture from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2015. She attended the OxBow School Of Art residency in 2014 and the SOMA Summer Program in 2015. Gail currently teaches at the Rhode Island School of Design in the Sculpture Department. Dodge’s work has been exhibited nationally and internationally in cities including Mexico City, Mexico; Oakland, CA; Tucson, AZ; Chicago, IL; New York, NY; Baltimore, MD; Austin, TX; and Michigan City, IN.
Poetics, Stupidity, Heavy-Handed Emotion, Grossness, Absurdity, Failure, Being American Dumb, Restlessness and Dysfunction are crucial themes in the various modes of thinking and making that Gail Dodge employs in her art practice. She often uses video, performance, digital media and the manipulation of traditional and nontraditional sculptural materials. Rooted in a light hearted, exploratory approach to researching and creating work— she intentionally places her process outside the rigid periphery of expertise or mastery. The work So Sorry (Lip Service) is a grim and amusing collection of fallout from the banal neuroses of a human-person living in hyper-consumerist purgatory.
蓋爾.道奇在她的藝術實踐中採用了各種思維和製作方式,詩意、愚蠢、沉重的情感、粗俗、荒谬、失敗、美國愚蠢、不安和功能障礙是其作品中的關鍵主題。她經常使用影像、表演、數位媒體以及對傳統和非傳統雕塑材料的操控。道奇的研究和創作根植於一種輕鬆愉快、探索性的方法,並故意將自己的創作過程置於嚴格的專業或精通邊緣外。作品〈So Sorry(Lip Service)〉是一個陰鬱而有趣的收集,展現了平凡的人類神經病生活在超級消費主義煉獄中的後果。
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Poetics, Stupidity, Heavy-Handed Emotion, Grossness, Absurdity, Failure, Being American Dumb, Restlessness and Dysfunction are crucial themes in the various modes of thinking and making that Gail Dodge employs in her art practice. She often uses video, performance, digital media and the manipulation of traditional and nontraditional sculptural materials. Rooted in a light hearted, exploratory approach to researching and creating work— she intentionally places her process outside the rigid periphery of expertise or mastery. The work So Sorry (Lip Service) is a grim and amusing collection of fallout from the banal neuroses of a human-person living in hyper-consumerist purgatory.
蓋爾.道奇在她的藝術實踐中採用了各種思維和製作方式,詩意、愚蠢、沉重的情感、粗俗、荒谬、失敗、美國愚蠢、不安和功能障礙是其作品中的關鍵主題。她經常使用影像、表演、數位媒體以及對傳統和非傳統雕塑材料的操控。道奇的研究和創作根植於一種輕鬆愉快、探索性的方法,並故意將自己的創作過程置於嚴格的專業或精通邊緣外。作品〈So Sorry(Lip Service)〉是一個陰鬱而有趣的收集,展現了平凡的人類神經病生活在超級消費主義煉獄中的後果。
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