Daniel Hüttler

Daniel Hüttler is an artist, curator, and researcher from Mexico City and Austria, living in Vienna. He is involved in an array of local as well as trans-national and trans-disciplinary projects that range from artistic research groups and off-spaces (nadaLokal & School in Vienna) to regular reading groups and experimental theory networks (Hungarofuturist movement in Hungary). Hüttler operates mostly under the name of adO/Aptive a collective he created in 2018 to foment critical thinking, potential action, communication, and Otherness. His collective is a flexible assemblage with ever-changing members that adapt to specific situations and projects. His work has been related to localities such as Budapest, Prague, Brno, Vienna, Frankfurt, Mexico City, New York, and Taipei.
Spiral Epic is a spiral tower sculpture assembled from five stamps, each bearing reliefs and narrative texts. It describes the spiral-like topological structure and its relationship with the Tower of Babel and the Trajan Tower. The Tower of Babel, according to the biblical narrative, resulted in the division of humanity into different language groups, while the Trajan Tower, built in AD 107, commemorates Emperor Trajan's conquests in Romania and the zenith of the Roman Empire's territorial expansion. Through verses along the spiral's edge, Daniel Hüttler implies the cyclical trajectory of human history:
"From the ground to the sky, we go in circles, turning resistance into unconditional support, learning new ways and appropriating new methods to screw ourselves up into closer to the frontier we imagine to be the last. History is cyclical, warfare is distributed."
丹尼爾・赫特勒是來自墨西哥城和奧地利,現居維也納的藝術家、策展人和研究者。他參與了一系列的本地、跨國和跨領域項目,包括藝術研究小組、Off-spaces(如維也納的nadaLokal&School)、定期讀書小組和實驗性網絡理論(如匈牙利的Hungarofuturist運動)。赫特勒主要以a dO/Aptive 這個他在2018年創立的集體身份活動,以促進批判性思考、潛在行動、溝通和他性。他的集體是一個靈活的組合,成員不斷變化,以適應特定的情境和項目。他的工作與布達佩斯、布拉格、布爾諾、維也納、法蘭克福、墨西哥城、紐約和台北等地有關。
〈Spiral Epic〉由5個印章組裝而成的螺旋塔雕塑,每塊印章上皆有刻有浮雕與故事文字,描述著螺旋般的拓樸結構與巴別塔和圖拉真塔的關係 — 根據聖經,人類因為建造巴別塔被分成了不同的語言群體;而建於西元107年的圖拉真塔,則紀念著圖拉真大帝遠征羅馬尼亞,羅馬帝國擴張與版圖的極盛時期,丹尼爾·赫特勒透過螺旋邊緣的詩句指涉不斷循環的人類歷史軌跡 :
Spiral Epic is a spiral tower sculpture assembled from five stamps, each bearing reliefs and narrative texts. It describes the spiral-like topological structure and its relationship with the Tower of Babel and the Trajan Tower. The Tower of Babel, according to the biblical narrative, resulted in the division of humanity into different language groups, while the Trajan Tower, built in AD 107, commemorates Emperor Trajan's conquests in Romania and the zenith of the Roman Empire's territorial expansion. Through verses along the spiral's edge, Daniel Hüttler implies the cyclical trajectory of human history:
"From the ground to the sky, we go in circles, turning resistance into unconditional support, learning new ways and appropriating new methods to screw ourselves up into closer to the frontier we imagine to be the last. History is cyclical, warfare is distributed."
丹尼爾・赫特勒是來自墨西哥城和奧地利,現居維也納的藝術家、策展人和研究者。他參與了一系列的本地、跨國和跨領域項目,包括藝術研究小組、Off-spaces(如維也納的nadaLokal&School)、定期讀書小組和實驗性網絡理論(如匈牙利的Hungarofuturist運動)。赫特勒主要以a dO/Aptive 這個他在2018年創立的集體身份活動,以促進批判性思考、潛在行動、溝通和他性。他的集體是一個靈活的組合,成員不斷變化,以適應特定的情境和項目。他的工作與布達佩斯、布拉格、布爾諾、維也納、法蘭克福、墨西哥城、紐約和台北等地有關。
〈Spiral Epic〉由5個印章組裝而成的螺旋塔雕塑,每塊印章上皆有刻有浮雕與故事文字,描述著螺旋般的拓樸結構與巴別塔和圖拉真塔的關係 — 根據聖經,人類因為建造巴別塔被分成了不同的語言群體;而建於西元107年的圖拉真塔,則紀念著圖拉真大帝遠征羅馬尼亞,羅馬帝國擴張與版圖的極盛時期,丹尼爾·赫特勒透過螺旋邊緣的詩句指涉不斷循環的人類歷史軌跡 :
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⭢ Participated Artist